Lockdown Art Sessions

As so many people are now on lockdown during the Coronavirus panic, I decided to share some art sessions with everyone if they are bored and looking for something to fill their time.

For me this is just what I would call ‘Downtime’, a period between commissioned work, when I fill my time at home by doing what amuses me…..painting!

So I have created a Facebook group where I can share Live Watch Parties which anyone can see, by clicking this link and joining https://www.facebook.com/groups/651932192261904

These sessions will be kept at quite a basic level to suit all ages and abilities, there will be no specialist materials, just use what you have to hand! If you have always wanted to have a go at drawing/painting but were too embarrassed to go to a class, now you can do it in the comfort of your own home!

Equally, if you have kids at home who are bored, this may be a great way to entertain them!

My first session will be held on Monday 23rd March at 11:00 GMT, but will be available to watch any time after if this time is not convenient for you. We will be painting/drawing sunflowers.


(I was painting at home on my own anyway and just felt it would be good to share!)

Flowers for Mother’s Day?


There are many traditional celebrations of mothers and motherhood that exist throughout the world, dating back thousands of years and in some countries, Mother’s Day is still associated with these older traditions.

The modern Mother’s Day began in the United States by Anna Jarvis in the early 20th century, when she held a memorial for her mother and then later campaigned to make Mother’s Day a national holiday in the United States, this first became a recognised holiday in 1905.

Mother’s day is now celebrated all over the world, although each country has different dates, here in the United Kingdom we celebrate Mothering Sunday, which falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent, this year that will be 22nd March.

The giving of flowers to the mother figure seems to have begun with the Christian faith, dedicated to the figure of the Virgin, bringing her the first of the fresh spring flowers.

This year why not give your mother a painting of flowers, which will last a lifetime!

If you do not see your mother’s favourite flower here, I am happy to accept commissions, please email me on ninacamplin@aol.co.uk