Shepherds Down Special School

2012-08-31 17.53.14

I am currently in the middle of a mural project at West Lodge Farm Park, commissioned by Greenspan Projects. I have worked on several projects with this company, each one has been unique, interesting and enjoyable!

When I logged into Facebook this morning I was reminded that it was 5 years ago that I completed the mural in the playground at Shepherds Down Special School, one of the first jobs that I did for Greenspan.

I worked on this mural in the summer holidays while the school was closed and some of the time I was completely on my own on the site. I always find it quite strange to be alone in a space that is usually highly populated, it almost feels like a post apocalypse world, with me being the only survivor, and what am I doing about it? Painting of course!

2012-08-24 10.01.25

I realised that I had not added this mural to my website, so there is now a new page dedicated to it, showing the space before the work started and some of the stages up to completion.

Shepherds Down Special School